Dr. Robert P. Burchard - Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Dr. Burchard was born in Manhattan and grew up in New Jersey. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Brown University and then received his Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Minnesota. After completing his schooling, Bob joined the Peace Corps and traveled to Nigeria where he was on the faculty of the University of Ife teaching microbiology. His time there broadened his view of the world and played a role in his developing interest in CARE.
Dr. Burchard was recruited back to the U.S. to join the faculty of the University of Maryland Baltimore County. He was on the faculty for thirty-three years and then continued his commitment by working in a volunteer capacity at the university for another fourteen years doing some teaching and committee assignments, head three department Chair searches.
Not one to while away the hours in retirement, Bob co-founded and chaired the Baltimore component of program at the Sierra Club called Inspiring Connections Outdoors. The program provides opportunities for Baltimore's inner-city youngsters to enjoy the great outdoors. He worked to build the financial capacity for the program to be able to get more and more inner-city children out of the city to camp, hike and explore the outdoor world. He retired from this after twelve years.
Dr. Burchard has been a donor since making his first gift to CARE in 1972. He traveled on two trips, one to Haiti and one to Ecuador, to see CARE's work firsthand. He says, "I was struck by the quality of CARE's programs and the staff's deep commitment to their work was inspiring." He made another gift by creating a charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT). The trust pays income to Dr. Burchard throughout his life and later, a legacy will come to CARE from his generosity.